Presenting the Committees that get the Jobs Done for BPY 07'
Responsible for what we wear for the respective activities and events and coordinating us so we don't look like fashion victims!
(The One man Committee we call DEX)
Responsible for Packing and making sure the BPY 07' keep to their Weight Allowances!
(P.E [Head] & Bob)
Responsible for coming up with the funkiest cheers for Brunei Darussalam and inspiring our fellow PYs to come up with more fantastic ones!
(Wan, Amier [Head], Chris & Bob)
(Wan, Amier [Head], Chris & Bob)
Responsible for the National Day and Port of Call Performances & Making sure we remember our dance steps and the lyrics to our songs!
(P.E, Adi & Rieyz [Head])
Responsible for keeping attendance, keeping time and fining people if those 2 conditions are not complied with!
(Amier [Head] & Mimiet)
Responsible for making sure everyone is on track with their discussion assignments, correcting the essays, vetting the presentations and making sure everyone has enough information before boarding the ship!
(clockwise, Chris [Head], Tasha, Mimiet, Raudz & CT)
Responsible for Brunei Darussalam's Exhibition at the ASEAN-Japan Youth Leader's Summit!
(Standing: Shaza, Aura, Jen & Faezah
Squatting: Rien, Aizat [Head], Bob & Mony)
Responsible for coordinating the Hari Raya Celebrations and Contingent Souvenirs
(Arfah [Head] & Ahmad)
Responsible for the First Aid Kit and Making sure that all relevant Medicines are stocked!
(Ally [Head] & Ezan)
Responsible for making sure BPY 07' gets enough press, photographs, video and internet presence!
(Top: Ally, Chris, P.E
Below: Azy, Jen [Head], Mony)
Responsible for Religious Welfare of BPY 07'!
(CT, Ibnue [Head] & Adai)
Responsible for searching out sponsors, liasing & getting us as much outside support as possible for our ship trip!
(Clockwise: P.E, Bob, Rien, Karen [Head], Azy [Head], Ibnue & Mony)
Responsible for Physical Exercise of the PYs, Club Activities and SG Activities!
(Aura, Eldi [Head], Wan [SG Activity Rep] & Dex [Club Activity Rep]
Responsible for Sound & Lighting on our National Day Performance!
(Mimiet, Rien, Eldi & Mony [Head]
Responsible for making sure the Accounts Balance and that BPY 07' make their monthly contributions! They also ask for receipts! :D
(Adai & Raudz [Head])
*Thanks again to Jen for the Marvellous Photography*
*Omigod u snap so GOOD!*
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