Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sorting Out Stuff!

On Thursday nights, the BPYs take a night off from dancing and concentrate on other things. For example, last thursday night, the BPYs banded together to work on the exhibition, sort out sponsorship letters as well as packing items for our National Leader to take to Japan with him for the COC meeting. Here are the glimpses of what we got up to.

BPY P.E showing you a postcard!

BPY Wan with his famous smile :P

Discipline + Treasurer collecting fines for late comers

BPY Azy and BPY Karen sorting out the sponsorship letters.

Group Pic!

BPY Ezad: "This is my vision..."

BPY Dex in work mode

Working on the Exhibition

AYL Tasha, BPY Chris & BPY Ibnue sorting out postcards

BPY Rien and BPY Mony figuring out how to divide the delivery of sponsorship letters.

BPY P.E and BPY Wan packing

Karen brought her camera tonight! ( where are the pictures ah?)

More packing

BPY Mony, BPY Aura & BPY Ezan sorting out an exhibition poster.

BPY Azy, BPY Karen, BPY Adi and BPY Jen listing out what needs to be done

So we got bored... haha

...and posed for more pictures...

Boys massaging each other... hmmm...

Last But not least, BPY Raudah gives her Treasurer's report

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